

From routine medical exams to individual healthcare 和 recovery needs, we help your care team deliver safe 和 effective care.

Wherever your healthcare journey goes, you can find our products in a physician’s office, 急诊室, 加护病房, 手术套件, 医院病房在普通楼层, 在急救中心, 和, 有时, 在你家里. 免费mg不朽情缘试玩的医疗设备, pharmaceutical 和 digital health products are designed with a patient-centric focus to enhance care, speed recovery 和 help deliver the best possible outcomes. From everyday to specialty medical needs, we believe you deserve access to the best care possible.
A physical exam taking place in a physician's office


Early, accurate diagnosis is an important step in your healthcare journey. 越早发生, the sooner you 和 your care team can work together to determine the appropriate treatment plan. We are advancing your care team’s ability to help diagnose issues early with reliable exam tools, accurate screening 和 diagnostics technology, 和 advanced vital signs monitoring solutions.

A doctor helps their patient in a hospital gown take a few steps around their hospital room


When admitted to the hospital, your only focus is on recovery. We are committed to providing you 和 your care team with innovations that make a difference from 急诊室 to 加护病房 to your hospital room. Our IV medications 和 infusion systems, continuous 肾 replacement therapy (CRRT) systems 和 intelligent beds are all developed with one goal: to get you home sooner.

A surgeon holds the h和 of a patient in the OR


We know the need for surgery has the potential to bring a range of emotions. We are committed to supporting your surgical team with innovations focused on helping to optimize the surgical experience while minimizing complications.